Author: Danielle Brantley
Python Crash Course: Day 11
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In Chapter 11, I learned about testing my code. Testing is an important part of programming as it ensures that code is working correctly. I can even test new code…
Python Crash Course: Day 10
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In Chapter 10, I learned about handling errors, exceptions, and working with files and data. To work with contents in a file, I need to tell Python the path to…
Python Crash Course: Day 9
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Chapter 9 discussed object-oriented programming (OOP) and classes. Object-oriented programming is a way of structuring a software program around objects. In object-oriented programming, classes represent real-world things and situations and…
Python Crash Course: Day 8
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Chapter 8 was all about functions. A function is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. It helps organize your code and makes it more readable and…
Python Crash Course: Day 7
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In chapter 7, I reviewed the input function and while loops. The Input Function The input() function is used to pause a program and it waits for the the user…
Python Crash Course: Day 6
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Chapter 6 was all about dictionaries. A dictionary in Python is a collection of key-value pairs. A key-value pair is a set of values associated with each other. Each key…